Friday, August 30, 2019

Happy 125th Anniversary LABOR DAY!

This year we celebrate the 125th anniversary of the Labor Day holiday. Has it really been around that long?!

Labor Day officially became a federal holiday in June 1894 and was enacted to honor the American labor movement.  Oregon was the first state to make Labor Day an official public holiday.  By the time it became a federal holiday, thirty U.S. states officially adopted and celebrated Labor Day.

Labor Day has often been called "the unofficial end of summer". Many families take their yearly vacations around this time of year, just to have one last 'fling' before the kids go back to school and the season changes. 

So, here's to the hard-working American; the backbone of our country! Enjoy the long holiday weekend! 

Far and away the best prize that life offers is the chance to work hard at work worth doing. – Thomas Jefferson

Monday, August 12, 2019

Does Your Nonprofit Need Professional Liability Insurance?

In a world where lawsuits seem to be commonplace, it is more important than ever to have the appropriate commercial insurance coverage in place.  Every nonprofit is unique and there is no ‘magic’ online button, or a one-size fits all insurance program for your nonprofit.  

If your agency offers advice or provides professional services, it is imperative to carry Professional Liability Insurance (also known as Errors & Omissions or E&O). If your organization is sued for negligence for errors and/or omissions while performing your professional services, your professional liability policy can help cover settlements and judgement expenses and attorney fees up to your policy limits.

Professional Liability vs. Directors & Officers Insurance:

There is a common misconception that a Directors and Officers (D&O) policy may be all you need. These two types of coverage may seem similar on the outside, but the main difference is who is covered. 

Your D&O policy provides insurance brought on by a 'breach of duty' or wrongful act allegations and lawsuits arising out of the managerial decisions of board member(s), officers, employees and sometimes volunteers. Professional Liability insurance provides insurance for claims arising from errors and/or omissions made against the organization.

About Hawley & Associates
Hawley & Associates is solely in existence to provide specialized insurance solutions for social service and nonprofit organizations across the country and the world.
Our mission is to empower your mission by providing the most comprehensive and cost-effective insurance program and tailored risk management solutions that perfectly align with your unique operations and exposures. Less time and money spent on insurance means more of both to dedicate to the children, families and communities in which you serve.
We strongly believe in the industry we serve, and to us it's much more than insurance - it’s about relationships. We are an extension of your organization and an unwavering champion in supporting the great work that you do.