Thursday, April 25, 2019

The High Price of Distracted Driving

As of April 22nd, 2019, Arizona became the 48th state to ban texting while driving.  According to a study by the National Highway Transportation Safety Administration (NHTSA), 3,450 people were killed in distracted driving-related vehicle accidents in 2016, meaning 9% of all the fatal crashes this year involved distracted driving; and 14% of these crashes involved a fatality.
What is distracted driving?
Distracted driving is anything that diverts your attention away from driving.  A few examples are:
  • Eating or drinking
  • Talking or texting on a cellphone
  • Fiddling with a stereo, navigation or entertainment system
  • Talking with someone in the vehicle
  • Putting on make-up
  • Grabbing something off the floor or backseat
The same study found that texting and driving is six times more dangerous than driving intoxicated. Sending or reading a text takes your eyes off the road for 5 seconds. At 55 mph, that’s like driving the length of an entire football field with your eyes closed.
What can we do?
Parents: Lead by example; talk with children about distracted driving and the consequences; sign a family pledge not to drive distracted.
Teens: Speak up when they see a friend or peer driving distracted; have friends sign a pledge; share message on social media.
Educators: Remind students about the dangers of distracted driving. Post posters and hand out materials relating to distracted driving.
Employers:  Institute a company policy restricting texting, eating or any other form of distracted driving while operating company vehicles or while using their own vehicle for company business.

Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Foster Parent Liability Insurance

Being a foster parent today can be more challenging than ever, as many foster children come into the system already abused or neglected.  Allegations of abuse in the foster care system are not uncommon. In 2016, approximately 4.1 million allegations of child abuse and neglect were made to child protective service agencies.

According to the National Foster Parent Association, adoptive parents have a 1 in 8 chance of being falsely accused of abuse or neglect.  Lawsuits can be brought by the biological parent, the child, or others arising out of the foster parent/child relationship.

Every responsible foster parent should consider Foster Parent Liability Insurance, which defends foster parents from allegations of abuse. Attorney fees, defense costs and award judgments can rack up thousands of dollars, even if they are unsubstantiated.

For more information on this important coverage, please contact Hawley & Associates.

Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Hawley & Associates accepting RFP’s for Insurance Brokerage Services

Hawley & Associates specializes in providing custom insurance solutions for social service and nonprofit organizations across the country.  It’s all we do. This specialization gives us a unique advantage in negotiating lower premiums and providing your organization with the most comprehensive and cost-effective coverage, along with tailored risk management solutions that perfectly align with your unique operations and exposures.
Our specialized niche, exclusive programs, broad access to specialty markets, strong carrier alliances, and team-based approach allows Hawley & Associates to best partner with your organization and support the great work that you do!
Let’s partner in 2019!

Monday, April 1, 2019

Third Party Employment Practices Liability Insurance - A Hidden Gap

Employment Practice Liability Insurance (EPL) covers allegations from employees against other employees and/or the employers itself based on discrimination, harassment, wrongful termination, retaliation and other specified “Wrongful Acts”. This is what is commonly known as “First Party” EPL coverage, the first party being the employee as the claimant.

So, what is a “Third Party” EPL claim? Allegations of specifically discrimination or harassment against the employees and/or the employer from “Third Parties” with whom the employees come in contact while conducting business on behalf of the organization.

Third Parties can include:

➢ Customers/Clients
➢ Vendors
➢ Independent contractors on the organization’s premises, like cleaning people.

Classes of business with Third Party EPL exposure include:

➢ Artisan contractors (plumbers, landscapers, etc.)
➢ Business services (accountants, consultants, etc.)
➢ Commercial daycare centers and summer camps
➢ Fast food restaurants
➢ Fitness Centers
➢ Hotels and motels
➢ Retail stores, including convenience stores and supermarkets

Many employers do not realize that they have a gap in their insurance coverage that leaves them open and vulnerable to lawsuits from customers, clients, vendors and suppliers.

Contact Hawley & Associates today for more information on Third Party EPL insurance for your organization.

April Fool's Day - How Did It Start Anyways?

"Everything is funny, as long as it’s happening to someone else."– Will Rogers

April Fools' Day (sometimes called All Fool's Day) is one of the most widely recognized non-religious holidays in the Western world. How the custom of playing practical jokes or pranks on April 1 came about is still a bit hazy.

There are many theories out there, with one dating back to the 1500's, when the Julian calendar was replaced by the Gregorian.  Those who forgot (or even refused) to observe the change and attempted to celebrate New Year's (previously celebrated on the 1st of April) on the original date were teased as "April fools."

There are no 'official' rules, but superstition says the joking period must end at noon on the 1st of April.  Anyone pulling a prank after this time is considered to be a ‘fool’ themselves because they don’t know the 'rules', or have failed to follow them.

Happy pranking!