Thursday, April 26, 2018

Group Home Insurance - HAWLEY & ASSOCIATES

The term 'Group Home' can cover a variety of different living scenarios. They can provide care and services for individuals with mental or physical disabilities and/or who suffer with addiction issues, which can impair their ability to live independently.

A Group Home can also encompass Foster Care or Therapeutic Foster Care, by providing placement options for children with emotional or behavioral issues.

Hawley & Associates specializes in providing Group Homes with the insurance coverage they need to fulfill their important mission. The exposures for a Group Home is unique and requires a broker that is knowledgeable and has strong relationships with the right markets that focus on this industry.

Contact us today for more information on the specialized insurance solutions we can provide your Group Home.


Tuesday, April 24, 2018


Hawley & Associates is excited to partner with GeoBlue and is now offering international health insurance and assistance for you and your staff when traveling abroad.

Whether your travel involves international adoption, a church mission trip, or humanitarian aid and relief, we have you covered! There are health insurance plans for individuals, groups, as well as expats living abroad.

Go to and go to the 'Coverage' tab. You will find more information and a link to get an on-line quote today!

Happy Traveling!


Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Foster Care Agency Insurance Specialists - Hawley & Associates

As a foster care agency, you are invested in the lives of children who are living with past neglect or abuse. In helping find these children stability by reuniting them with their biological families or finding an loving adoptive family, you are committed to making the world a better place, one child at a time.  

There are some important questions to ask yourself concerning the risks, exposures and protection of your agency. Does your broker understand the intricacies of a foster care agency?  Are they able to evaluate and assess your exposure to the risk of sexual abuse?  Is he/she aware that it is also considered sexual abuse if the parent or guardian has failed to adequately protect the child from sexual abuse when the parent or guardian knew or reasonably should have known that the child was in danger? 

Hawley & Associates understands these risks and is knowledgeable about the specialty insurance products available to protect your agency, including "Foster Parent Professional" coverage, that protects the foster parents as well.

Contact us today for more information on liability insurance for your organization!
