Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Wishing Our Clients A Safe Outcome From Polar Vortex

To all our clients and their families affected by the Polar Vortex, you are in our thoughts. Please be safe and warm!
If you experience a claim, we are here to help! Please contact us as soon as possible at 425-462-4758 or after-hours at 425-577-4957, or email your account manager directly.

Monday, January 21, 2019

The Aging Workforce - Finding The Silver Lining

According to the U.S. Census Bureau, by 2030, one in every five residents will be older than the age of 65. In the U.S. alone, 10,000 baby boomers turn 65 every day.  This also means the U.S. workforce is getting older too.  Americans are living longer, and in turn, working longer.  Some will continue to work for financial reasons, others simply to stay engaged. This trend is expected to continue.

With current hiring trends focused on millennial's and Generation Z, many employers do not recruit for older workers at all.  Some actually see the seasoned worker as a disadvantage.  The most common misconceptions are that salaries are too high, they are burned out, or resistant to change.  Some employers also believe the older workforce is out of touch or unfamiliar with technology, or they have poor record in attendance due to health reasons.  As this may be true in some instances many studies show just the opposite.

Areas in which the older worker scored high:
  • ·         Level of experience
  • ·         Leadership skills
  • ·         Strong communication skills
  • ·         Problem solving skills
  • ·         Loyalty
  • ·         Reliability
  • ·         Perspective
  • ·         Work ethics
Leading-edge companies have researched the value of the older worker and have implemented positive changes in the workplace, such as:
  • ·       Providing flexible assignments and/or work schedules
  • ·       Providing mentorship opportunities
  • ·       Promoting age-neutral language in the workplace
  • ·       Providing educational opportunities to enhance skills
  • ·       Improving ergonomics in the workplace
So, how can company decision-makers break free from the negative stereotypes of the seasoned worker? Starting to realize that one of best talent pools you have are from the people you already have is a great place to start.  Companies simply lose when they fail to embrace the knowledge and experience of their aging workforce.

Thursday, January 10, 2019

New Year’s Resolutions vs. Goals ~ What Is The Difference?

A new year always seems to spur a little something in all of us.  A new year, a new you, right?  Many people vow to dust off the old treadmill and get into shape. Some may vow to get their finances in order or to run a marathon. This is where the infamous 'resolution' comes into the picture.
Resolutions tend to be all of nothing and most people don’t plan on how to sustain that resolution the whole year.  Some estimates say that about 40% of Americans make a new year’s resolution, but only about 8% of people succeed.
Instead of resolutions, try setting goals.  The definition of a goal is ‘an observable and measurable result having one or more objectives to be achieved within a more or less fixed time frame’.  Goals can provide a direction to follow to achieve a desired outcome.  Paying attention to how we set goals makes us more likely to achieve them.
Here are Five Golden Rules for Goal Setting:
  1. Set Goals That Motivate You: Set goals that are a high priority in your life, which will maximize the likeliness of success.
  2. Set SMART Goals:  Specific; Measurable; Attainable; Relevant; Time Bound
  3. Set Goals in Writing: This makes your goals tangible and real.
  4. Make an Action Plan: Write out individual steps and cross off your list when completed.  You can see your progress!
  5. Stick with It:  Remember, your goal won’t happen overnight.  Reward yourself for little goal met and take time to review your goals.
Here’s to a happy and healthy 2019!